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Work-Life Balance

4 Students enrolled
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English conversation topic work job and money

Just for the money

Your takeaway at the end of this lesson: enough vocabulary and well-managed ideas to confidently speak about why we work and how to strike a better work-life balance.

Pursuing a career just for the money is considered wrong in many cultures. Because, many people say that money is not the path to find purpose and meaning in what you do. In their point of view, unless you are doing things you love, and making a positive impact on the world, you will not feel accomplished.

“He is in it just for the money!”

Others say “if you don’t have a well-paid job, how are you going to make the ends meet? So, that’s totally fine if you do what you do just for the paycheck”.
Working a job you have no passion for except the remuneration, is defined as “regret” by another group of people. They believe doing something that pays well, with not much ambition is soul killing. This is a wrong concept to encourage people to have a job that demands a lot of their time and energy, which can be spent to follow their dreams. Money is motivating, but also a stressor; you may be able to take one or two very luxurious vacations a year, or live well most weekends, but when retired, you look back on life regretfully.

There is absolutely nothing wrong in going after money, but what we need to keep in mind is that we also need to take a job that fulfills us.

How can we keep this balance and not lean too much towards one side?
In this lesson you are going to learn more ideas and vocabulary to discuss this topic in your support groups.

Related topics: 

Let’s speak about job satisfaction!

Gender Bias at Work

Getting Rich


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Course details
Duration 1h
Lectures 5
Video 10 mim
Quizzes 2
Level Upper intermediate

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