Speaking about Movies
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The Power of Movies
Nobody can deny it; audiovisuals are powerful tools. Speaking about how movies, as a kind of art, can powerfully influence lifestyles, economies, politics, and cultures takes us back in history. During World War II, for example, in America the government worked directly with Hollywood to use motion pictures to promote the war. They inspire support from the public by producing anti-Japanese images which took the viewers into the depths of the sacrifices. On an individual level, movie watching can shape
our outlooks on life either for our profit or our loss. It has soon become a form of entertainment to escape the hum-drum of life, while trying to the quality of your life. There are many reasons why people make and watch movies, why some movies are deeply and the others are just merely nice. How the scriptwriters string together a story and the cast members execute it the way we feel the emotion. When we are so engaged by a movie, it becomes the reason to come back for more.
In this lesson you are going to learn more English phrases and gain enough information to speak more confidently about this topic.
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