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Plants and Gardening

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English speaking topic plants

Are you a plant parent?

Your takeaway at the end of this lesson: enough vocabulary and well-managed ideas to confidently talk about plants and gardening.

Feeling good around plants is probably not surprising. Living plants can do a great job cleaning up the indoor air we breath — and they’re also great for our mood, and much more. The presence of potted plants could produce psychological benefits, reduce stress, and improve concentration. Green leafy plants like ferns and ficus tress seem to do better.  These benefits are reason enough for us to test out our green thumbs with a few houseplants.

But sometimes the plants are more than a pop of green to an enclosed space, and not always benefit your health.

Houseplants can have more mold in the soil and for people with mold allergies, it can trigger allergic symptoms. Have a runny nose, stuffy nose, or watery eyes.  Sometimes a root can act as a colony for microorganisms and an overwatered fern can be more than just an eyesore.

Some people even believe that houseplants have some impacts on the environment when shipped overseas, or for the sake of peat or plastic pots that are used.

In this lesson you’re going to learn the key vocabulary and talk more about this topic and share your personal experiences with plants and gardening.

Related topics: 

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Animal Therapy


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Course details
Duration 1h
Lectures 5
Video 10 m
Quizzes 2
Level Upper intermediate

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