Diets and Lifestyles
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Your takeaway at the end of this English lesson: enough vocabulary and well-managed ideas to confidently discuss the variety of diets and their functionality in your lifestyle.
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Related topics:
Speak about Obesity
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3Watch and Learn: Diets
4Key Vocabulary – Diets
5Challenge: Diets
Challenge Moment: Parents Talk
It's time to add depth and width to your vocabulary range. Are you good at telling stories?
1. Take a look at the vocabulary list for a minute and make a list of as many random phrases as you can.
2. Keep your note in front of you. Imagine that you are a parent of an obese child. Write about your problems with rising an obese child and your expectations from your society. Use all those words in your list.
3. Proofread your notes and then use a device to record your voice as you read your letter for your imaginary audience.
4. If you're a member of a support group, bring your note to one of the gatherings and read it for others so your teacher can help you if needed.
 (The green question mark on top right-hand corner of the screen takes you to the comments section so you can have a conversation with others.)