Culture Shock
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Live in Harmoney
Cultures have visible and hidden elements. Art and architecture, language, color, dress, social etiquette, and traditions are visible cultural features. But these are only ten percent of our cultural identities: hidden cultural elements, for example values, assumptions, and beliefs represent the other ninety percent.
People around the world interpret actions in a social interaction differently. Being sensitive and observant to unfamiliar cultures while living or traveling through them, can help to navigate your way to a new understanding.
Eye contact, touch, gestures, physical distance, and facial expressions… these are only a few items on the list when it comes to notice the descent way of interacting with people from a completely different culture. Let’s learn and talk more about how to fit in a culturally diverse community without failing .
If you like to read more:
Cultural Differences in Communication
Top 8 Cultural Differences in Nonverbal Communication
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